Is Save Your Marriage Program required for all couples? Certainly Not.
In the experience of last 40 years we have found, how Indian human psychology has been affected. The negative consequences of which are in front of all Indians. Our Program is based on Indian human psychology. Which can be positively effective on Indian children, adolescents, adults, old people and married couples. Couples come together when they resolve problems in a healthy way, with open communication and mutual understanding. Our program can assist couples in resolving challenges such as those stated above, allowing them to enhance their relationships.
The following are the most prevalent reasons why married couples seek save your marriage Program:-
Some couples decide to continue in miserable marriages until the disagreements grow so severe that divorce appears to be their only option. They don’t express their dissatisfaction, thinking that problems will go away on their own.
Save your marriage is the one thing they never do that can genuinely solve their problems. These couples don’t even contemplate attending a Marriage Therapist, counselor or psychologist because of social expectations about who requires counseling and worry of what others might think.
Note:- Condition for 100% success of the program? Spouse should be serious about saving Your marriage.
Conclusion this program:- Restoration of Marriage Or Divorce by Mutual Consent