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Family Property Dispute Resolution Program

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Family Property Dispute Resolution Program

A family property dispute is nothing less than a battlefield with excessive drama and potentially bloodshed unless it is settled amicably between the family members in a peaceful manner. 

Family property disputes are not limited to just one section of the society, it is common everywhere from middle class or low income families to extremely wealthy families, which is why family property disputes are an extremely common phenomenon among Indian families.

Right now the only clear solution that most of the families are getting is court battle by getting stuck in litigation instead of settling the dispute amicably which families do not realize that litigation is not only costly but also time consuming process . It is not necessary that in this judicial process you will get any pleasant result while you are alive.             

Also, there is no guarantee of getting a satisfactory result from litigation.

So, the best option is to try to solve family disputes related to property without breaking the family ties. This would be a positive initiative and decision Let us go through the concept of Family Assets Settlement Program.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

What is a family settlement?

A family settlement is actually a mutual agreement between family members regarding the distribution of property assets among themselves. In which family relationships and feelings are taken care of. So that families don't break up due to property disputes, because history is witness that family divisions and disputes created many disputes and families were disintegrated.

In this program, the parties to the settlement must be related to each other and must have a legal share in the disputed property.

Moreover, a family agreement may or may not be confined to property, but may also encompass movable property such as cash, money in bank accounts, cars, bikes, jewelry, etc.



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