In the experience of last 40 years we have found, how Indian human psychology has been affected. The negative consequences of which are in front of all Indians. Our psychological counseling is based on Indian human psychology. Which can be positively effective on Indian children, adolescents, adults, old people and married couples.
Personal issues
Bad habits of spouse
Before marriage relationships
Personality issues
Emotions Dealing
Behavioral problems
Interference of in-laws
Trust issues
Maintenance for Wife and Children
Child Custody
Extra Marital Affair
Cheating with Partner
Help for Young Adults
Help with Separation and Divorce
Talking to Children About Separation
Family Mediation
Help with Family Life and Parenting
Help for Children and Young People
Dealing with Distress
Abusive or Unhealthy Behavior
Re-Partnering & Blended
Families Domestic Violence
Contested Divorce, Mutual Divorce etc.
Just Do This