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Animal-assisted therapy

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Animal-assisted therapy

Animal-assisted therapy is a therapeutic intervention involving animals such as horses, dogs, cats, and birds that have been shown to be very effective. 

Animal-assisted therapy involves the victim, therapist, and animal working together in therapeutic activities that are incorporated into a treatment plan that has clear goals of change, measurable objectives, and the expectation of identifiable progress toward treatment goals. Therapy can take many forms depending on the victim, the animal, and the goals of treatment. In this therapy, positive effects and pleasant feelings are created. Animal-assisted therapy may be a useful intervention for some married couples or for individuals or families. It can help with a wide variety of experiences and conditions including: 








Emotional and behavioral problems in children 

Alzheimer's disease 

note:certain medical conditions

Anyone who dislikes or is afraid of animals or is allergic to them is not a likely candidate for this particular intervention.

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